Monday, October 27, 2014

A Lost Weekend

Have you every taken a weekend just to yourself to get things done for you and not for anyone else? Joe and I decided this past weekend was going to be for just this. We both had homework to do but other than that we decided we were going to "check out." The main purpose of the weekend was to get ahead in school but to also completely relax and enjoy some down time.

With our current work/school schedule we do not get the sleep we need or deserve. So one of my main goals was to get caught up on my sleep. I think I went a tiny bit overboard when I went to lie down to read a book at 6:00pm on Sunday, accidentally feel asleep did not... I repeat did not wake up until Monday morning. Not only did I not eat dinner but failed to make anything for lunches this week and will not have a chance to do so until Tuesday night.

So as I sit here on the Monday after our lost weekend I am no more relaxed than usual! I know I may be alone on this I feel like I need to get chores and errands done on the weekend to feel more relaxed when Monday comes.

Can I get a re-do?

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