Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall Family Visit

Last week I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Mom, Grandma, and Brother. The night they arrived Joe and I had a little surprise for everyone and the only one who was in on it was my mother. We had plans to go out to dinner and the surprise was that my Aunt Roxy and Uncle Tom who happened to be visiting the city (to celebrate their 2nd Wedding Anniversary!) took the train up to join us.

It was amazing to have so much of my family visit at the same time. I can remember a little over five months ago saying goodbye these amazing people and I was so touched they were able to visit so soon!

Auntie and Uncle promised to come back possibly with the kids and stay in our town. Joe and I are extremely excited for this to happen!

A couple of days later we took Grandma to Ellis Island, she had not been there in many many years. I do love living in New York but doing the tourist thing is just not my style. After an hour an a half waiting in lines we were on the ferry and on our way.

Ellis Island (Couldn't get a better picture)

Enjoying the view

Finding family

As we were leaving the island I was able to get a few touristy shots.

This is by far my favorite picture even though I photoshopped it a little it's still stunning.

Later that week Joe, Grandma, Mom, and I took a drive to Stamford CT to visit my moms cousins. I had never met this part of my family so it was a good long lunch catching up.

All in all is was an interesting but fun trip. I can't wait for mom to come back to take on the city with her in February. :)

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