For the last couple of months I have
been toying with the idea of trying a juice cleanse. Juice cleanses have become
very fashionable at the moment and I cannot say that I am not intrigued. The
one factor standing in my way from jumping on the bandwagon is the price. The
most popular cleanse here on the east coast seems to be The
BluePrint Juice Cleanse. The BluePrint Cleanse runs around $195 for
a three day cleanse and they also offer an option to get the juices delivered
monthly. If you attempt to go for the home-made solution I feel that you need knowledge
about what specific produce provides for your body. If you make your own juices
without the necessary information you can run the risk of depriving your body
of essential nutrients just because your chose the produce you like or tastes
the best. Personally, I do not feel as if I have the needed expertise to make
the juices myself. Comparing the price of a ready-made cleanse vs. home-made, I
am not sure if there will be much difference. If you choose the home-made
option you will need to purchase all the organic produce as well as the juicer which
can run close to the cost of purchasing an already-made cleanse. Although owning
a juicer can pay off in the long run I am not ready to make that kind of
Recently, I have noticed that my local health food store is beginning
to carry the BluePrint juices and selling them individually. Individually each
juice runs between $6.99 - $13.29. I am lucky enough to have a 20% employee
discount at this store and everyone knows I like a bargain. So here is my announcement: I will be
attempting a one day cleanse in the near future! I realize that normal juice
cleanses are three days but I have spoken with a friend of mine that I consider
a juice cleanse guru and she advised me to start off slow. If all goes as
planned I may be expanding into multiple day cleanses. As soon as I figure out
the details about when I will be completing this cleanse I will post those
specifics. I will also be writing a full review about every step of the way.
Keep your fingers crossed for me!
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