It's official I am updating my blog from New York! The journey here was actually not as stressful as I anticipated it was going to be...
We arrived at the airport about 90 minutes before our flight and proceeded to security after checking our bags. I was shocked to see there was only one long line for their security checkpoint. As we were standing in line an airport attendant was checking everyone's boarding passes as they entered the line. I noticed she was pulling some people out of line and taking them somewhere that I could not see. After about 30 minutes in line and moving no more then ten feet I felt a little uneasy. A couple minutes later when we turned the corner to enter yet another room with lines twisting from wall to wall, I realized why the line was not moving. Apparently, SFO was trying a new way of processing passengers through security. What I finally became aware of what they were doing I became a stress ball inside. (Although I tried not to show it) Once you entered the line at security the attendant would pull anyone who's flight was boarding in less then thirty minutes and placing them in a shorter line. The catch was that this shorter line merged into our line right before you reached the actual security checkpoint. This caused the passengers that arrived to the airport on time to wait an excess of an hour. When we finally made it through security we had just enough time to run to the bathroom and board our flight. My dad called me this afternoon and was surprised to learn that we made out flight. He told me that he had four co-workers that attempted to fly out of SFO this morning right after us and because of their new procedure they missed their flights. We got lucky!
Once we boarded I was excited to learn that the seats that I choose turned out to be crew member seats that they used on international flights...
have you ever seen so much leg room?! And the best part...
we had footrests!
We flew Delta Airlines and I can not say enough how impressed I am with their service. Some people would take crew's attitude as rude but I was excited to finally see an airline enforcing rules. Have you ever been seated on a plane getting ready to depart and seen another passenger board the plane with a "carry-on" that easyily weighs forty plus pounds and is larger then the bag that you checked just to avoid the checked bag fee? I was happy to witness a crew member walk right up to the passenger and inform them that their bag is not a carry-on and they will be charged to check it. The entire flight was smooth and we were very comfortable in our seats. :)
Thanks to my mom and my good friend Sarah (Great minds thing alike) I was able to move to New York in style. Sporting the very saucy OPI nail polish titled "Big Apple Red." Very Fitting!!!
Another fun little detail we were given are our luggage tags. My mother gave us our original Mr. and Mrs. luggage tags for our wedding. My Aunt Kathy then added to the collection by gifting to us our I Love NY luggage tags. We are really traveling in style these days!