Two days after Valentines Day and three days after Mallory and Brian left we had another visitor fly into town. (What is with these crazy west coasters that want to visit the New York in the dead of Winter?)
My Mom came back for her 3rd round of the big city! This trip was not like the others because we had to spend most of the time indoors and not running around town like usual. We visited our favorite used bookstore in the city and then had a nice lunch.
While my mom was here I had to take a trip to my companies location in Queens and my mom decided to come with. (Please note I have NEVER driven anywhere in New York except right around where we live) It was an experience but we made it! The photo above was from the parking lot in Queens... amazing!
While my mom was here she just had to try out my new Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer.
We didn't do much this trip but she will be back soon and can't wait for the weather to warm up!